Assistants shortcode
Display assistants inside a page of your website
This shortcode generates a list of your assistants getting informations from the plugin “Assistants” section:
[ salon_booking_assistant ]
Parameters accepted:
- display ( by default it will display assistant name,photo, description and skills. You can limit which data to be displayed )
- styled ( by default it is “true” and it gets the default plugin style )
- columns ( if you want to display it in a grid you can specify how many columns to be used )
[salon_booking_assistant columns="3" display="name,photo,description"]
If you are using the Multi-Shops add-on you need to add this parameter: shop_id where you specify which shop these assistants are belonging to like below:
[salon_booking_assistant columns="3" display="name,photo,description" shop_id="2"]