First install
Install Salon Booking System from
If you are installing Salon Booking System from just install it as you usually do with other plugins:
- Download the zip file from here:
- Or search "Salon Booking System" from your Wordpress website "Add new plugin" section and activate it
After the plugin activation something happens in the background:
- Three new pages have been created:
- A "Booking" page with this shortcode inside [salon/] that will display the front-end booking form
- A "Booking my account" page with this shortcode inside [salon_booking_my_account] that generate the customers personal account page
- A "Thank you" page where the customers will be redirected every time they complete a reservation. You can customize this page as you desire
Note: these pages are automatically selected for these options:
inside the "Salon Booking > Settings > Booking rules"
If for some reasons you'll place the above shortcodes inside different pages make sure to update these options.
With the plugin activation others things have have happened:
- Some dummy "Assistants" have been created, make sure you change their settings going to "Salon Booking > Assistants"
- Some dummy "Services" have been created, make sure you change their settings going to "Salon Booking > Services"