Google Calendar synchronization

Video tutorial

This is one of the most useful feature of Salon Booking System. Follow our instructions to successfully connect the plugin to your Google Calendar account and start synchronizing the reservations.

First of all you need a Google Account, if you don't have one you can create one from here:

1 - Enable Google Calendar API

Then you need to enable the Google Calendar API library from here:

search for " Google Calendar" and click on the search result, you'll land on a page like this:

click on " ENABLE" button.

2 - Create the Google Calendar API

Now it's time to create the API. Go here:
and click on the " Create credentials" button and choose " OAuth Client ID" option like showed here:

Then enter the following information:

  1. Name ( the name of your website )
  2. Authorised JavaScript origin ( the full URL of your website )
  3. Authorised redirect URIs ( copy and paste the URL from this field )


    Once done click on " Create" button. If everything is ok you should see something like this screen:

3 - Connect Salon Booking to your Google Calendar account

Now copy and paste the two API keys just generated:

  • client ID
  • client secret 

  • and paste them inside the corresponding fields on Salon Booking settings:

Make sure you have this option enabled:

and click on " Update settings" button, then click on the "Get authorization" button. If everything is ok you'll be prompted on this screen:

Select your desired Google Account and follow the instructions provided by Google to give your consent to the app. 


During the authorization process you should see an alert like this: THIS APP IS NOT VERIFED have a look at this article to know more:

Select calendar and Synchronize your reservations

Once the authorization process is completed you should be able to see the list of your calendars:

Choose the calendar where you want to synch your reservations. Then click on " Synchronize Bookings" button.


The Synchronization button need to be used only on the first time. Only the reservations from today on will be manually synchronized with this action and only the ones with the following statues:
  • PAID
If you want that even the "Payment pending" reservations need to be synched on Google Calendar you can enable this option:

This is how the synchronized reservations will be presented on google Calendar

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