Services settings and options


In this field you can define the price of the service. Do no enter the currency symbol. If you want to use decimals first go to " Settings > Payments > Decimal separator" and define your favourite decimal separator symbol. To change the currency you need to go to "Settings > Payments > Currency"

Units per session

This option represents the number of reservations you can receive at the same date and time for this specific service. This option must be coherent even with the " Customers per session" option you have set on "Settings > Booking rules > Customer per session" section.

This option should reflect the number of assistants you have that can provide this specific service at the same time.


Case A 

If you have set "Customers per session" = "2"  and you are able to provide this service at the same time to two customers then you need to set the "Units per session" = "2".

Case B

If you have set "Customers per session" = "2"  but you are able to provide this service only to one person at time then you need to set the "Units per session" = "1".


Unless you are using the " Basic availability mode" in all other cases you must set the duration of each of your services in  order to make the booking system working correctly.

You can change the available hour fractions options here: 

going to " Settings > Booking rules > Session average duration" and change this option choosing a fraction that best fits your need. Then go back to your service options and set its duration accordingly.


If you set this option the current service will be displayed inside a step of the front-end booking form dedicated to the " Secondary services". 


Set this option if you want that in case the user choose this service then no other services can be selected in the same reservation.

Hide on front-end 

Set this option if you don't want to display this service during the booking process on front-end to your customers. When enabled this service can be booked only by the salon administrator from the website back-end. This option is useful when you need to add some extra time charges to specific reservations.

Execution order

This option is useful when you want to assign a specific execution order to every single service booked inside a single reservation. 

It's very important only when you are using the " Multiple Assistants selection" option as you need an order of the services provided to define the availability of the assistants. 

No assistant required

Use this option for those services that don't require the presence of an assistant, for example when you provide the use of a facility.

Service break

This is useful when a service is provided in two steps with a "waiting time" in between where you can fit another reservation. Think about the "hair colouring" service that is usually  provided in two times. You can accept only reservations that lasts at maximum the duration of the break. 

Service description

Here you can provide a detailed description of your service that will be displayed on front-end. This field accepts html tags.

Featured image

You can set a featured image for each of your service that will be displayed on the front-end booking form and inside the "Services" shortcode.

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