Availability mode

Our appointment system is equipped with three different booking algorithms options each one has a different method to calculate the availability at your salon.

Choose the one the best fits your needs, in 80% of the cases the "Advanced" option is the optimal one. Let see them in detail.


 The "Basic" method considers only the date/time of an reservation and its default duration that you can set from the "Average session duration" option in the same settings tab. Use this option only if the real duration of each reservation it's always the same or it's not so important. 


A reservation for May 12th at 9:00 is made by:
  • Haircut 
  • Shampoo
  • Colouring 

You have set the "Average session duration" option as "30 minutes". Hence this reservation will ends at 9:30 where a new reservation will be available.

Another reservation made of:

  • Haircut 
  • Shampoo
will have the same duration of "30 minutes" even if it has less services, as the booking method is considering a default duration.


This is the option that suits the majority of the cases as it calculates even the duration of the whole reservation as it sums the duration of each service included in a single reservation.
For example:
A reservation for May 12th at 9:00 is made by:
  • Haircut - 30' duration
  • Shampoo - 30' duration
  • Colouring - 45' duration

The "Advanced" method will calculate the total duration of this reservation that is: 1h and 15' so it will ends at 10:15

Hence the next available slot will be at 10:15 

High End 

This is the most complex booking method and it suits the needs of big salons with many assistants and services and it should be used only on those cases for a single reservation many assistants are involved to provide the services booked in a specific order.
This booking method considers the following things:
  • the date and time of the reservation
  • the duration of each service
  • the "execution order" of the booked services ( that you should set for each of your service )
  • the assistants choose in the reservation and the services that each assistant will provide
This booking method is required if the "Multiple assistants selection" option is enabled.
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