Customers per session and Average session duration

These two options are very crucial as they control how the booking system will calculate the availability on your salon, so keep attention when you setup them.

Customers per session

This option should reflect the number of customers you can attend at the same time in your salon.
For example: if you have only one chair or bed it means that you can attend only one person at time, so "1" is the right option for you. In the same way if your salon is equipped with three chairs or three bed you should set "3" and so on.

Session average duration

This option has a different meaning according to the "Availability mode" you have set before. 

If you are using the "Basic availability mode" this option will define the default duration of each reservation and at the same time will define the "minimum hour fraction" of the picker on the booking form.

Example: if you set this option to "30" minutes, all your reservations will have 30 minutes duration and the time picker on the booking form will use a minimum hour fraction of "30" minutes:

If you are using the "Advanced" or the "High End" availability mode this option will only affect the "minimum hour fraction" of the booking form time picker and the

"duration"  option of the services that will be presented as 30' fractions:

Our suggestion is to set the "Session average  duration" option thinking about the duration of your shortest service. Let's say you have a "Beard trim" service that last only 15' and it's the only service that has this little duration, then set the "Session average duration" to "15" minutes. All the other services would have a duration as a multiple of "15 minutes".

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